Babylon 5: In the Beginning

Sonic Images (782827881221)
TV Series/TV film | Release date: 08/11/1998 | Film release: 1998 | Format: CD

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# Track   Duration
1.Opening/It Began 35 Earth Years Ago/Londo on Earth/Meet the Grey Council9:33
2.Londo Remembers/Grey Council in Session/Decision to Go/Dukhat & Kosk11:17
3.Minbari Attack/Troop Assembly/I'll See You Soon/Delenn in Her Quarters5:46
4.Franklin in Medlab/Franklin Arrested/Minbari Attack/Sheridan's Plan6:41
5.Destroy the Black Star/Londo About Interception/Centauri Attack/Capture8:04
6.The War/President's Call/The Battle of the Line/Valen's Reincarnation15:42
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Soundtracks from the collection: Babylon 5

Babylon 5: The River of Souls (1998)
Babylon 5: Lines of Communication (1998)
Babylon 5: Z'Ha'Dum (1997)
Babylon 5: In the Beginning (1998)
Babylon 5: Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi (1998)

Soundtracks from the collection: Series

Moonlighting (1985)
Mole, The (2001)
Terre Indigo (1996)
TV Classics Volume Four (1993)
Pillars of the Earth, The (2010)
Leverage (2010)
Avengers & Other Top Sixties TV Themes, The (1998)
24: Seasons 4 and 5 (2006)
My Uncle Silas (2001)
Lost In Space: 40th Anniversary Edition (2006)

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