Captain Blood: Classic Film Scores for Errol Flynn

RCA Victor US (0078635091229)
RCA Victor Germany (0035628091222)
Movie | Released: 1991 | Format: CD

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# Track Artist/Composer Duration
1.The Adventures of Don Juan: The King / Main Title: Don Juan / The Brocade / Don Juan's Serenade / Parade Into London / Don Juan And The Queen / Final Scene Max Steiner9:35
2.The Sea Hawk: The Albatross / The Throne Room of Elizabeth I: Entrance of the Sea Hawks / The Orchid / Panama March / The Duel / Strike for the Shores of Dover Erich Wolfgang Korngold8:08
3.Captain Blood: Ship in the Night Erich Wolfgang Korngold2:08
4.They Died With Their Boots On: Morning / The Farewell Before the Battle / Preparation and March / The 7th Cavalry: Garry Owen / The Sioux / The Battle of Little Big Horn / Custer's Last Stand Max Steiner8:41
5.Dodge City: Warner Bros. Fanfare and Main Title: The Open Prairie / The Iron Horse / Surrett / The Comrades / The Covered Wagon / Grazioso / Abbie and the Children / Wade and Abbie: The Blarney / Abbie's Theme Max Steiner7:56
6.Objective Burma! Parachute Drop Franz Waxman2:16
7.The Sun Also Rises: Prologue (Solennelle) - The Lights of Paris Hugo Friedhofer4:22
8.The Adventures Of Robin Hood: The Archery Tournament / Escape from the Gallows / Robin and Lady Marian / Coronation Procession Erich Wolfgang Korngold12:20
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Soundtracks from the collection: Compilation

Best of the West (1998)
Dernier Domicile Connu / Le Rapace (2002)
TV & Film Collection Vol. 1 (1991)
Morricone 2000 (2005)
Hitchcock : Suites from Pyscho / North by Northwest (1996)
Time of Adventure (1996)
Marvellous Film World of Bernard Herrmann, The (1994)
Eviva! Morricone N.2 (1997)
(Italian Girls Like) Ear-Catching Melodies (1999)
Dance Movies (1997)

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