Yet another Italian western score released by the ever industrious Hillside CD productions in conjunction with GDM. These two companies have certainly produced some wonderful compact discs in the past and this release is definitely no exception. I must admit I have not seen the movie and know very little about it, but the score by veteran Italian composer Robby Poitevin is well worth having in ones collection, ok it maybe not as grand as any western score by Morricone or as tuneful as anything composed by Giombini or De Masi, but it is still a worthy addition to the growing library of Italian western scores that have finally found their way onto compact disc. In fact this is the first time that this score has been published in any format. Maybe not a work filled with all the trademarks of a spaghetti western score, but there are trumpet solos, whistling and even some of those deep bass guitar chords as utilised so wonderfully by De Masi in scores like ARIZONA COLT and THE DIRTIEST STORY OF THE WEST, in fact I think Poitevins style and orchestration is not a million miles away from that of Francesco de Masi on this one. The title song and end title are sung by Raul, who I know collectors either love or loath, I personally think he makes a good job here of a difficult song, which has lyrics that are a little banal. For example the opening line goes something like this, TWO FRIENDS,THEY GOING ALONG THE RIVER, ONE IS YOUNG AND THE OLDER IS OLD ? But, I suppose this was at times the attraction of the Italian western score, lyrics that were odd, vocalists that had a distinct and unique sound and also music that was above all original. Sound quality I have to say in variable, some tracks faring better than others, but considering its age, I suppose we cannot complain. So definitely one for the collection if only because it is a western.