Fellini Satyricon

Movie | Released: 1969 | Format: Vinyl

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# Track   Duration
1.Vernacchio's Small Theatre 
2.Garden of Delights 
3.Nocturnes in the Suburra 
4.The Little Slave Girl in Love 
5.Trimalchio's Dinner 
7.My Beloved Gitone 
8.Trimalchio's Dinner 
9.Gitone's Theme 
10.The New Caesar's Triumph 
11.Encolpius and Aschyltus, Prisoners 
12.On Lycas' Boat 
13.Wedding at Sea 
14.Vestal's Fire 
15.The Psalmodist Oracle 
16.Are You Listening, Gitone? 
17.The Widow of Ephesus 
18.Encolpius Has Lost his Sword 
19.The Minotaur 
20.Monkey Dance 
21.The New Island 
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Soundtracks from the collection: Italian Cinema

Queimada (1996)
Religieuses du Saint Archange, Les (1973)
Indagine su un Cittadino al di Sopra di Ogni Sospetto (1984)
Ricordati di Me (2003)
Caduta degli Dei, La (2007)
Piero Piccioni Soundtracks (2013)
Cosa Avete Fatto a Solange? (2006)
Caso Moro, Il (1986)
Best Spaghetti Western Music Vol. 2, The (2013)
Vedovo, Il (2001)

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