Jedna Tema Jedan Film
One Theme One Film

Movie | Released: 2013 | Format: Download

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# Track   Duration
1.Specijalno vaspitanje (Special Education)3:18
2.Miris poljskog cveca (Fragrance of the Wild Flowers)2:34
3.Nacionalna klasa do 785 ccm (National Class Category Up To 785 ccm)3:15
4.Zemaljski dani teku (And the Days Pass By)2:02
5.Bosko Buha (Bosko Buha)3:10
6.Draga moja Iza (My Dear Isa)3:01
7.Petrijin venac (Petria's Wreath)4:05
8.Neka druga zena (Some Other Woman)3:56
9.Majstori, majstori (All That Jack's)2:46
10.Sok od Sljiva (Plum Juice)4:42
11.Sjecas li se, Doli Bel (Do You Remember Dolly Bell)2:25
12.Gazija (Gazija)2:46
13.Maratonci trce pocasni krug (The Marathon Family)2:29
14.Dvije polovine srca (Two Halves Of The Heart)4:07
15.Variola vera (Variola Vera)3:41
16.Balkan ekspres 1 (Balkan Express 1)1:46
17.Nesto izmedju (Something In-Between)2:10
# Track   Duration
1.Idi mi: dodji mi (Easy Come - Easy Go)2:25
2.Trie prispevki k slovenski blaznosti (Three Contributions to Slovene Madness)3:20
3.Maturanti - Pazi sta radis (The Graduates)2:38
4.Sta se zgodi kad se ljubav rodi (Love's Sweet Way)2:37
5.Moljac (The Moth)3:16
6.Opasan trag (Dangerous Track)2:58
7.Sta je s tobom, Nina? (What's Up, Nina?)3:48
8.Otac na sluzbenom putu (When Father Was Away on Business)3:11
9.I to ce proci ili Oslobadjanje Isidora K. (That Will End, Too)3:24
10.Tajvanska kanasta (Taiwan Canasta)3:04
11.Jagode u grlu (Hard to Swallow)2:27
12.Zikina dinastija (Zika's Dynasty)2:43
13.Lepota poroka (The Beauty of Vice)4:20
14.Bal na vodi (Hey Babou Riba (Miriana))2:40
15.Uvek spremne zene (Women's Day)2:05
16.Andjeo cuvar (Guardian Angel)3:00
17.Vec vidjeno - Déja vu (Reflections)5:33
18.Zivot radnika (The Workers' Life)3:18
# Track   Duration
1.Za sada bez dobrog naslova (A Film with No Name)3:51
2.Lager Nis (The Escape)3:32
3.Tajna manastirske rakije (Secret Ingredient)3:06
4.Put na jug (Trip to the South)2:48
5.Drugi covek (The Art of Murder)2:48
6.Svedski aranzman (The Swedish Arrangement)3:19
7.Uros blesavi (Uros the Fool)2:24
8.Balkan ekspress 2 (Balkan Express 2)2:16
9.Sabirni centar (The Meeting Point)3:15
10.Stanica obicnih vozova (A Station for Ordinary Trains)3:12
11.Vreme cuda (Time of Miracles)3:23
12.Masmediologija na Balkanu (The Balkan Mass-Media Sciences)2:18
13.Virdzina (Virgina)6:35
14.Tango Argentino (Tango Argentino)2:56
15.Tito i ja (Tito and Me)3:21
16.Kazi zasto me ostavi? (Why Have You Left Me?)3:20
17.Terasa na krovu (A Terrace on the Roof)3:17
18.Urnebesna tragedija (Tragedy Burlesque)3:52
19.Bure baruta (Cabaret Balkan)5:35
20.U ime oca i sina (In the Name of the Father and the Son)3:03
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Soundtracks from the collection: Compilation

Morricone dirigiert - conducts Morricone (2007)
Plus Belles Musiques de Films de François de Roubaix - vol 2, Les (1990)
Bossa Nova - Vol. 2 (2013)
Empire Strikes Back, The (1980)
Exodus: Film Themes of Ernest Gold (1976)
Allegra Fattoria, L' (2006)
Ma Période Française (2005)
Original Music For The Movies Of Frederico Fellini (2001)
Mario Monicelli (2007)
Symphonic Celtic Album, The (2011)

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